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How to Nominate

1. Login
If not already logged into the site, please log in with your AANP Member credentials.
2. Create
From your Dashboard, create your online nomination.
3. Save
During the Call for Nomination period, your Nomination can be saved as DRAFT until all the required information is completed and attachments uploaded. As each section is complete, you will see a appear in the tab when the Nomination is saved.
4. Submit
On completion, Submit your Nomination as FINAL. Download and print a copy of your Nomination for your records by clicking on the icon in the Application Summary section in the right column. Incomplete nominations will not be considered. All submissions must be completed with all required information by the submission deadline.
If you require assistance or additional information, please contact governance@aanp.org.
National Leadership Awards
AANP National Leadership Awards — the Sharp Cutting Edge Award and the Towers Pinnacle Award — honors two individuals who have contributed significantly to the national or international recognition and advancement of nurse practitioners (NPs).
Learn more about each award on the following tabs.
Sharp Cutting Edge Award
The Sharp Cutting Edge Award was initiated in February 1996 in honor of Nancy J. Sharp, MSN, RN, FAAN, an exemplar in the world of nursing organizational leadership for more than two decades. Nancy demonstrated a decisive positive influence for NPs, both professionally and politically. Not an NP herself, Nancy nevertheless left a legacy of early and steadfast service for NPs. Through her vision, foresight and service to the NP profession, Nancy focused on public policy issues clarifying the legislative and regulatory processes. She also utilized innovative strategies to meet major milestones as an office staff member and a volunteer leader in national nursing organizations. Examples of her many accomplishments are National President, American Nephrology Nurses Association (1981-1983); Director, Practice and Legislation, Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, Neonatal Nurses (1982-1990); Founding Director, Nurse in Washington Internship (1985-1992); Editor-Publisher, The Nurse’s Directory of Capitol Connections: A Directory of Positions and Opportunities for Nurse Participation in Health Policy Development (1991-2000); Nurse Representative, U.S. Joint Working Group on Telehealth (1993-1997).
Sharp Cutting Edge Award Eligibility Criteria
The Sharp Cutting Edge award is given to individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary service activities on behalf of NPs. This award is for achievements that have impacted the NP profession on a national or international level and incorporated the AANP mission into the initiative(s). Additionally, recipients have demonstrated and promoted diversity, equity and inclusivity within health care through social justice initiatives that have increased access to quality health care for all.
Recipients may be an NP, nurse or non-nurse who has demonstrated exceptional belief and confidence in NPs and has shown efforts to advance the image, profile and visibility of NPs at the national or international level in three or more of the following areas:
- Demonstrated leadership experience in an organization at the national or international level that supports and promotes the NP profession.
- Impacted public policy issues clarifying the legislative and regulatory processes to the successful advancement of the NP profession.
- Succeeded in building strategic partnerships, coalitions or alliances that have increased public awareness of the NP profession.
- Utilized or leveraged technology, such as social media, to promote the value and advancement of the NP profession.
- Provided mentorship or guidance to meet the strategic priorities for a successful organization.
- Mentored others in the processes and techniques for successful use of technologyt o meet strategic priorities.
- Utilized innovative strategies to meet goals in national nursing organizations.
Who May Nominate
Any current AANP member may nominate a colleague.
Nomination Process
- Nominations are submitted online through the AANP website.
- Nominations must include a description detailing the reasons for nominating an individual for either award (250 words maximum).
- Nominations must include two letters of support from individuals other than the nominator. (Letters exceeding the allowed maximum will not be considered).
- Consideration will only be given to nominations complete with all required information submitted by the published deadline.
- Nominations received after the deadline date will not be accepted.
Who is Ineligible
- AANP elected leaders and staff (e.g. Board of Directors, Fellows Executive Committee, State Liaisons, Nomination Council and Awards Committee) cannot be nominated for the award.
- Nominations that include groups and organizations cannot be submitted.
- Selection Committee
- The AANP Awards Committee.
Award recipients will be notified in March of each award cycle.
Award Package
The recipient will receive round-trip airfare to attend the respective AANP National Conference and one-night accommodation at an AANP conference hotel.
Award Recognition
The award recipient will be recognized during the Opening General Session at the AANP National Conference and should plan to attend the respective AANP National Conference to accept their award in person.
For questions, contact governance@aanp.org.
Disclaimer: For elected officials, regulators, appointees, federal employees and military at both the state and federal levels ("government employee"), AANP cannot provide items of value. Individuals in these positions will receive public recognition and be presented with a certificate but will not receive additional items. If you are a government employee and inadvertently receive an offer from AANP that includes additional benefits as part of an award, please alert staff since AANP is not always aware — or informed — that an awardee holds such a position.
Towers Pinnacle Award
The Towers Pinnacle Award was launched in 2013 by the AANP Board of Directors in honor of Jan Towers, Ph.D., NP-C, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP, an accomplished and much-admired leader in the NP movement. Dr. Towers has been at the forefront of legislative and regulatory issues, guiding health policy initiatives to ensure that NPs and their patients are represented wherever health care is being discussed. She has informed and educated numerous NPs on issues related to health policy through presentations at regional and national conferences. Her steadfast commitment, keen insight and vigilance have served to guide and direct NPs toward their current recognition as reimbursable providers of high-quality health care nationwide. The result of her life’s work is increased awareness by legislators and the general public of NPs’ contributions to health care, as well as advancement in expanding the scope of practice for NPs, advocating for equity in pay for services and expanding the commitment of NP professional organizations to provide leadership on health policy issues.
Towers Pinnacle Award Eligibility Criteria
The Towers Pinnacle award is given to individuals who have exemplified Dr. Towers’ advocacy, passion and dedication to the advancement of the NP role through policy, practice and education. Additionally, these individuals have demonstrated and promoted diversity, equity and inclusivity within health care through social justice initiatives that have increased access to quality health care for all.
The Towers Pinnacle award is for achievements that have impacted the NP profession on a national or international level and incorporated the AANP mission into the success of the initiative(s).
Nominees are preferably NPs; however, consideration is given to other individuals who have made outstanding contributions resulting in increased recognition of NPs and increased opportunities for NPs to provide care to patients through ongoing work in policy, practice and education at the national or international level in three of the five following areas:
- Influencing health policy legislation by advocating for the removal of practice barriers, which led to the advancement of the NP profession.
- Conducting advocacy work that is dedicated to the recognition and promotion of the high-quality, reimbursable health care services, with parity, provided by NPs.
- Achieving recognition as a visionary leader for NPs in health policy, practice or education.
- Providing mentorship and developing leadership in health policy, practice or education for NPs.
- Being instrumental in articulating NP practice and the profession to stakeholders and legislators in the health policy arena.
Who May Nominate?
Any current AANP member may nominate a colleague.
Nomination Process
- Nominations are submitted online through the AANP website.
- Nominations must include a description detailing the reasons for nominating an individual for either award (250 words maximum).
- Nominations must include two letters of support from individuals other than the nominator. (Letters exceeding the allowed maximum will not be considered).
- Consideration will only be given to nominations complete with all required information submitted by the published deadline.
- Nominations received after the deadline date will not be accepted.
Who is Ineligible
- AANP elected leaders and staff (e.g. Board of Directors, Fellows Executive Committee, State Liaisons, Nomination Council and Awards Committee) cannot be nominated for the award.
- Nominations that include groups and organizations cannot be submitted.
- Selection Committee.
- The AANP Awards Committee.
Award recipients will be notified in March of each award cycle.
Award Package
The recipient will receive round-trip airfare to attend the respective AANP National Conference and one-night accommodation at an AANP conference hotel.
Award Recognition
The award recipient will be recognized during the Opening General Session at the AANP National Conference and should plan to attend the respective AANP National Conference to accept their award in person.
For questions, contact governance@aanp.org.
Disclaimer: For elected officials, regulators, appointees, federal employees and military at both the state and federal levels ("government employee"), AANP cannot provide items of value. Individuals in these positions will receive public recognition and be presented with a certificate but will not receive additional items. If you are a government employee and inadvertently receive an offer from AANP that includes additional benefits as part of an award, please alert staff since AANP is not always aware — or informed — that an awardee holds such a position.
FAANP Honorary Fellow
Fellows of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Honorary Fellow award recognizes and honors an individual who is a non-nurse practitioner (either currently or previously) who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in one or more of the following areas of importance to nurse practitioners: Practice, Education, Policy, or Research.
Who May Nominate?
Any FAANP member in good standing.
Nomination Process
- Nominations are submitted online through the AANP website.
- Nominations must include a description detailing the reasons for nominating an individual for the award (maximum 500 words).
- Nominations must include two one-page letters of support from individuals other than the nominator. (Letters that exceed the one-page maximum or maximum letter count will not be accepted or considered).
- Nominations must include the nominee’s CV limited to 10 pages. (CV’s exceeding the allowed 10-page maximum will not be accepted or considered).
- Consideration will only be given to nominations completed with all required information and submitted by the deadline date.
- Nominations will not be accepted or considered after the deadline date.
Selection Criteria
- The Honorary Fellow nominee has provided meritorious service in at least one of the four areas (Practice, Education, Policy, Research) to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), Fellows of the AANP, and /or the Nurse Practitioner profession.
- The Honorary Fellow nominee has served as an advocate for AANP, FAANP, and/or the NP profession.
- The Honorary Fellow nominee’s meritorious contributions have been sustained over time.
Who is Ineligible
- Any current or previously practicing nurse practitioner as this award recognizes and honors an individual who is a non-nurse practitioner
Selection Committee
The FAANP Executive Committee
Award recipients will be notified in March of each award cycle.
Award Recognition
The award recipient will:
- Be recognized during the FAANP Induction Ceremony at the AANP National Conference and should plan to attend to accept their award in person.
- Receive a travel stipend in accordance with AANP reimbursement policy; and
- Receive a one-night accommodation at an AANP conference hotel only (reimbursed after the conference).
- Receive the FAANP plaque indicating honorary fellowship status and a medallion.
Honorary fellowship entitles the individual to the following:
- Non-voting associate membership in AANP
- Non-voting honorary membership in FAANP
- Ability to use the title FAANP(H)
- No obligation to pay AANP and FAANP dues
For questions, contact faanp@aanp.org.
FAANP Legacy Award
The purpose of the FAANP Legacy Award is to honor, recognize and memorialize a member of FAANP whose lifelong career has had a profound and enduring impact on the profession and the NP role, articulating a dream that others share and follow demonstrating a lifetime achievement in five required legacy components (vision, innovation, courage, inspiration, and persistence) as confirmed by the selection committee. The vision, innovation, courage, persistence, and inspiration of the honoree are essential components of the legacy.
Who May Nominate?
Any FAANP member in good standing.
Nomination Process
- Nominations are submitted online through the AANP website.
- Nominations must include a description detailing the reasons for nominating an individual for either award (maximum 500 words).
- Nominations must include two one-page letters of support from individuals other than the nominator. (Letters that exceed the specified page limit or maximum letter count will not be considered.).
- Nominations must include the nominee’s CV limited to 10 pages. (CVs exceeding the allowed page maximum will not be considered).
- Consideration will only be given to nominations complete with all required information submitted by the published deadline.
- Nominations received after the deadline date will not be accepted.
Selection Criteria
- May be living or deceased.
- May be a Fellow or Honorary Fellow in good standing.
- Contributions to the field may have occurred locally or internationally.
- Nominations must demonstrate their enduring value beyond the awardee's lifetime or career.
- Must have demonstrated authority and command in nursing in leadership, research, practice, policy and/or education throughout their career creating an enduring legacy in each of the following areas.
- Vision – Articulated a dream and direction that other people want to share and follow
- Innovation – Was creative and ‘thought outside the box’
- Courage – Challenged the status quo for the betterment of nurse practitioners and those impacted by our care
- Persistence - The tenacity to consistently and successfully confront practice, policy, research, or educational challenges over the course of a career to advance the NP profession
- Inspiration – Having an inspiring effect on others to engage in activities to extend the nominee’s work
Who is Ineligible
Any current member of the FAANP Executive Committee or the FAANP Ad Hoc Awards Committee.
Selection Committee
The FAANP Ad Hoc Award Committee.
Please note, the award is merit-based and may not be awarded every year.
Award recipients will be notified in March of each award cycle.
Award Recognition
The award recipient will:
- Be recognized during the FAANP Induction Ceremony at the AANP National Conference and should plan to attend to accept their award in person.
- Receive a travel stipend in accordance with the AANP reimbursement policy and one-night accommodation at an AANP national conference hotel.
- Receive a permanent plaque recognition on display in the AANP headquarters honoring Legacy Award recipients.
- Receive waived FAANP dues (not AANP dues).
The FAANP Legacy Award is a lifetime award.
For questions, contact faanp@aanp.org.
Loretta C. Ford Award
Dr. Loretta C. Ford has devoted her career to practice, education, research, consultation, and the delivery of healthcare services. Dr. Ford is recognized as co-founder of the nurse practitioner model. Her contributions have been acknowledged by a number of honors, including the prestigious Princess Srinagarindra Award; the Gustav Lienhard Medal from the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences; the Living Legend Award from the American Academy of Nursing; the American College of Nurse Practitioner’s Crystal Trailblazer Award; and the Elizabeth Blackwell Award, in addition to six honorary doctorates. Dr. Ford was inducted into The National Women’s Hall of Fame September 30, 2011, distinguished as “An internationally renowned nursing leader”. The Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame inducted her in March 2012, as founder of the nurse practitioner movement and women’s health advocate.
In recognition of her induction into the National Women’s Hall of Fame, the Fellows of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (FAANP) developed the annual Loretta C. Ford Award for Advancement of the Nurse Practitioner Role in Health Care.
The awardee will be designated as the keynote speaker for the FAANP Winter Meeting.
Who May Nominate?
Any FAANP member in good standing.
Nomination Process
- Nominations are submitted online through the AANP website.
- Nominations must include a description detailing the reasons for nominating an individual for either award (maximum 500 words).
- Nominations must include two one-page letters of support from individuals other than the nominator. (Letters that exceed the specified page limit or maximum letter count will not be considered.
- Nominations must include the nominee’s CV limited to 10 pages. (CVs exceeding the allowed page maximum will not be considered).
- Consideration will only be given to nominations complete with all required information and submitted by the published deadline.
- Nominations received after the deadline date will not be accepted.
Selection Criteria
The nomination should focus on how the nominee’s actions have produced a sustainable change in health policy or advancement of the NP role. Dr. Ford’s principles of turning challenge into opportunity resulting in prompt and effective action should be emphasized in the nomination.
- Demonstrates participation in health care policy development at an international, national, or local level.
- Sustained and specific contribution to clarification of the NP role and scope of practice.
- Demonstrates a creative and effective action turning a challenge of the NP role into an effective opportunity to advance practice and improve patient outcomes.
Who is Ineligible
- Any current member of the FAANP Executive Committee.
- Any current member of the FAANP Ad Hoc Awards Committee.
- Any past recipient of the Loretta Ford Award.
Selection Committee
The FAANP Ad Hoc Award Committee.
Award recipients will be notified in March of each award cycle.
Award Recognition
The award recipient will:
- Be recognized during the FAANP Induction Ceremony at the AANP National Conference and should plan to attend to accept their award in person.
- Receive a travel stipend in accordance with the AANP reimbursement policy.
- Receive a one-night accommodation at an AANP national conference hotel only (reimbursed after the conference).
- Receive $500 and an award designating the achievement.
- Be designated as the keynote speaker for the following Fellows Winter Meeting.
The Loretta C. Ford Award is a lifetime award.
For questions, contact faanp@aanp.org.
Key Dates
National Leadership Awards
Nominations Open: January 6, 2025Nominations Close: March 3, 2025
Contact: governance@aanp.org
Fellows Awards
Nominations Open: January 15, 2025Nominations Close: February 12, 2025
Contact: faanp@aanp.org
Contact Us
American Association of Nurse PractitionersEmail: governance@aanp.org
Inquiries will be responded to during AANP office hours Monday - Friday, 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Central Time.